our story.

era15 isn’t about us, it’s about you.But it’s worth explaining how we got here...

I read a book about four years ago by Tim Ferris called 'The Four Hour Week'. The idea is to get other people to work for you on a ‘non-employed’ basis, to enable you to work four hours a week but earn substantial money (read the book, you'll get the idea – in fact, send us your name and address and we’ll send you a free copy!).

This inspired me to transform my business in order to work less, be based anywhere in the world, earn more, and learn to surf!”

– Andrew Pringle, Director, era15


We understand it can be tricky to achieve the ideal work / life balance. That’s why we invented era15.

No upfront cost.

No loss of control.

No equity loss.

Commitment at your pace,and at a level that works for you.

Don’t work harder, let us work harder!